
Our allotments at Asheridge Road and Cameron Road in Chesham, Buckinghamshire provide a vital community service, for tenants to grow their own produce and be part of of our community. As Chesham Allotments Group, we represent the tenants and organise events. 

We also welcome members of the public to our events or to find out more about allotmenteering in Chesham


Our community


Chesham allotment holders are a motley crew of both young and older families, single people, widows and widowers, young couples, middle-aged people and retirees - and even teenagers!

What we all have in common is our interest in:

  • The quality of food being produced
  • How it is produced
  • Organic food and products
  • Care for the environment
  • Climate change

Our events

Throughout the year we run a full events programme, with something going on most weeks between February and October, including:

  • Coffee mornings and seed swaps on Saturdays throughout the summer season
  • Annual open day in August at the Cameron Road site, as part of National Allotments Week – all are welcome
  • Social events in spring, summer and autumn for allotment holders and their friends and families

Chesham Allotments Group welcomes anyone with an interest in growing food for themselves to come along and take part or find out more



We publish The Grower, our e-newsletter, four to five times per year. It's now only available digitally, to eliminate printing and distribution costs.

Make sure you're on our emailing list, or ensure that Chesham Town Council has your email. Either way, you'll then get a copy! 

You can sign up here - this will add you to the Chesham Allotments Group-managed list.