The Gallery

You can share your photos of your allotment or other scenes from the allotment sites with us by email

Summer 2024

A selection of photos taken at coffee mornings, the open day in August and cream afternoon in September

images from 2023 coming soon!

Summer 2022

Back to normality - and a roasting hot open day and packed cream tea afternoon


A throwback to socially-distanced bring-your-own coffee mornings!

Summer 2020

A selection of photos taken in August

Open Day 2018

Open Day 2016

Summer Social Evening

The allotments in Winter

"No warmth. no cheerfulness no helpful ease, time to sit and remember, no shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees, no fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds - December" Tom Hood from Song of the Shirt

Our First EVER Coffee Morning

Can anyone remember what year??

Misc. Photos

CHS Seed Potato Sale

Summer 2020

A selection of photos taken in August

Open Day 2018

Open Day 2016

Summer Social Evening

The allotments in Winter

"No warmth. no cheerfulness no helpful ease, time to sit and remember, no shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees, no fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds - December" Tom Hood from Song of the Shirt

Our First EVER Coffee Morning

Can anyone remember what year??

Misc. Photos

CHS Seed Potato Sale