who are we?
We’re a passionate group of volunteers from both the Asheridge Road and Cameron Road sites, here to ensure that your allotment experience is the best it can be.
Our team is made up of people from all walks of life—some of us work full-time, others part-time, and some are retired.
No matter our backgrounds, we come together with a shared goal: to manage and improve the allotments for the benefit of all tenants.
the role of the committee
We meet five to six times a year to focus on a variety of important topics, including:
Maintenance and site improvements: ensuring the plots and common areas are well-kept
Plot inspections: making sure allotments are used effectively and responsibly
Events and community engagement: organising social activities and improving the allotment experience for everyone
Holding our agm each september: held in the town hall, this meeting is open to all plot holders
If you have a request or idea for the committee, use the contact us form on this page
get in contact with us...
Want to meet the committee in person to ask a question or make a suggestion?
Want to meet the committee in person? Drop by one of our Saturday coffee mornings between April and October - it’s a friendly, informal way to share your thoughts, ask questions, or just chat. We’re always happy to hear your ideas, discuss any issues, or help with suggestions.
You'll also find us working on our own plots at both Asheridge Road and Cameron Road sites.
Or if you'd prefer to email us, you can do so using the button below or via our contact form.
Meetings and Minutes
Regular meetings are a vital communication and operations tool. Chesham Allotments Group committee meets six times a year to discuss projects and issues related to the allotment sites.
Prior to each meeting the Chair circulates an agenda via email to the committee members. Our meetings follow a standard, formal format and are directed by the Chair. Minutes are taken during the meeting by the Secretary, checked by the Chair and then circulated to all CAG representatives for approval. If necessary, corrections are made and the approved minutes of the meeting are then sent to the Town Council for archiving and are available for viewing on the CAG website.
Our Annual General Meeting
Chesham Allotments Group enjoys a collaborative relationship with Chesham Town Council and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place in September at the Town Hall.
During the AGM:
- the Chair of CAG gives a review of the year
- the Treasurer gives a report on the financial status and expenditure of the group
- representatives and officers are elected or re-elected for the coming year
- the results of the judging of the allotments are also announced by Chesham Horticultural Society
- annual awards are presented
- there is also an opportunity for allotment holders to raise points or ask questions
The AGM is open to all allotment holders to attend. The date is published on this website and in The Grower.